Notes from Teacher’s Convention: Engaging your Brain for Learning

I just got back from the 2013 Palliser District Teacher’s Convention in Calgary. I work for Alberta Education in Edmonton, but I am seconded there so I still have to attend my school district’s annual Teacher’s Convention in Calgary.

It was a great visit to Calgary.…

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Dear PNL, I’m going off-line to “learn”

Tomorrow afternoon I will be heading to Calgary for our annual Teacher’s Convention. This is a required professional development event, and I am looking forward to connecting with my friends and possibly even a few interesting sessions.

I am not looking forward to the “learning” environment.…

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Digital Storytelling, part II

Digital storytelling is not just about fictional narratives. It is also about using the tools to curate a story for a particular audience and purpose. Storify is one tool that enables you to set a topic and then pull tweets, images, and video to you that fit your criteria.
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Week Two #etmooc Goals

Pretzel Art by Tony Stanczak, former student

Goals for #etmooc, reviewed:

As I embarked on this journey in #etmooc , I asked these questions:

  1. Given the access, technology, resources, and requirements available to me, how can I create a classroom world reflective of what my students need in the future that is theirs?
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Learning to Storify

Another #etmooc task under my belt … my first storify. I decided to storify some of the tweets from the past week that demonstrate my PLN at work via twitter. I get so much from interacting with others on twitter – ideas, educational conversation and banter, feedback, affirmation and challenge, professional reading and even new shopping sites!

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Blogging Resources and Best Practices

I have been blogging for about three years, but it has only been since I joined etmooc that I have blogged with any frequency. Last year I mostly blogged to share information and resources from professional development sessions and to share my photos.…

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Learn everywhere #etmooc #ceetopen popcorn

We learn everywhere…

In #etmooc and #ceetopen, we encourage collaborative learning by challenging each other to try building artifacts that demonstrate understanding.

Our #ceetopen participants (and my PLN buddies Scott Boylen and Denise Krebs ) recorded very short videos of where we learn and uploaded them to a dropbox from which a single movie was created.…

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An Adventure — Digital Story Collaboration #etmooc #ceetopen


How do you create an adventure story? You invite your Professional / Personal Learning Neighborhood to join in on the fun!

Inspired by Digital StoryTelling #etmooc number seven (Choose Your Own Adventure), I adapted the idea and invited my friends, none of whom I’ve ever met!…

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Connected Learning and Blogs

Though we’ve been using the “CMS” (course management system) since grad. school, the concept of “connected learning” still seems relatively new to education.  It’s only about a year ago that our school began to pursue options for what we now call an “LMS” (learning management system). …

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