When might a safety manual be a story?

Whilst I was thinking about the process of storytelling during a previous post and how Storytellers hold your attention, stir your imagination, compel you to want to hear (read/see/experience) more, invoke an emotional response … make you care. I wondered also how that might map across different media.…

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My Leadership Journey

One of the topics of #etmooc has been Digital Storytelling.  Telling stories through the use of pictures is a powerful way to share.  One of the Digital Storytelling assignments for #etmooc is to do a Five Card Flickr story.

For this story, you are given 5 photos to choose from.…

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“I wanna tell you a story”

I hope those (more mature?) UK residents for whom the title quote has meaning will forgive the reference to a long-lived and for many, well-loved English variety entertainer, Max Bygraves. But his catchphrase neatly encapsulated what entertainers need to do – to tell stories.…

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My Journey with New Media Art and Digital Storytelling

Topic #2 for etmooc is Digital Storytelling. In addition to creating digital stories, we were challenged to critically examine the definition of digital storytelling on Wikipedia. While I think the Wikipedia definition gets at some of the aspects and history of digital storytelling, some of my experiences with digital storytelling are missing.…

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Bringing Stories to Life – Digitally!

ds tools

Last week, I spent the majority of my #etmooc time trying new digital storytelling tools (GIFs, Flip Books, Visual Poetry5 Card Flickr) and posting about my explorations and learnings. This week, I wanted to hold off testing more tools (PopcornMaker, Inklewriter & Stop Motion are high on my list!)…

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Twitter vs. Zombies 2.0 using Popcorn #2

So I thought I would talk about Popcorn Maker as educational software today rather than just sharing what I made with Popcorn. I am in the process of creating a new movie with Popcorn to experiment with the program so more, so as I warned before, there will be another Zombie movie coming to a browser near you.…

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Synthesis, Shifting Perspectives, and Storytelling: Hidden Garden Steps and #etmooc

Sometimes the slightest shift in perspective reveals the presence of stunningly beautiful interweavings that moments earlier hadn’t been obvious between various elements of our lives. That moment came for me this morning while viewing a colleague’s newly-posted video on YouTube.

etmoocCommunity, collaboration, and creativity in a variety of venues seemed to be coalescing into an incredibly beautiful tapestry as I watched  the video prepared by Hidden Garden Steps organizing committee co-chair Liz McLoughlin.

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What is Storytelling? for #etmooc

Thar be slides, slides, slides, way too many slides, from a presentation I did online yesterday as part of the ETMOOC Section on Digital Storytelling. You can find resources mentioned at http://cogdog.wikispaces.com/What+Mean+Ye+Storytelling

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# etmooc – La lingua batte e sei gradi di separazione (2)

Dopo la narrazione con cui ho presentato me stessa ai corsisti di #etmooc, sollecitata a confrontarmi con le narrazioni digitali (digital storytelling), una domanda era diventata assillante “Cosa posso raccontare che valga la pena di essere raccontato?”

Individuati i contenuti emotivi per me coinvolgenti, ho compreso di aver trovato anche la risposta: la trasmissione settimanale dedicata alla lingua italiana da Radio3di cui ho parlato nel precedente articolo.…

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