Things I learnt @ #BETT2013

This is a long post!   It’s really just an aide memoire for myself of my first visit to BETT2013, or indeed any Edtech event, so if you like you can skip right to the end for the quiz!

BETT09MSStand3I was recently given the opportunity to escape for a day to visit BETT2013 which is advertised as ’the learning technology event’ in the UK.

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Learn. Create. Talk. #etmooc post #2


So I’m being pushed. 

I’ve been MIA on Twitter and G+ last year and a half due to many reasons. I don’t need to go into what those are, but I had made my decision after much thought. As I mentioned in my #etmooc intro video, my daily learning life changed since I started joining Twitter and building my PLN.…

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Networking: Food for Thought

This evening I participated in my first large-scale Twitter chat as part of #etmooc, (which, if you haven’t been following, is a great online educational technology professional development experience).

The conversation summarized some of the topics we’ve been talking about for the last week, such as introducing ourselves, acknowledging our PLN (professional learning network), how/what we share, and how we contribute to the learning of others.…

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Personal Learning Communities for Me

Last night I experienced my first successful blackboard collaborate session. I logged in half an hour early just to tinker around, I was a bit nervous… but once Alec prompted me (using my first name what a powerful tool) I felt that I could try some things out.…

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what am I willing to try

In my many years of business and life, I realize that there are quite a few things that separate the good from the great. But, if you asked me to pick only one reason why some are more successful than others, I would offer you this…your willingness to PERSEVERE.-…

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