Creating Math Tutorials

One of the best ways to show you know how to do something is to teach that skill to another. In Grade 1 we like to record our learning and exhibit our understanding by making short video tutorials. In our classroom we have an iPad for each table (3-4 students) with Explain Everything installed.
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The Web and Ed We Want via Justin Reich

Justin Reich’s recent Berkman Center talk – “The Web We Want and the Ed We Want” – is a great, actually entertaining tour through the recent history of the web and the parallel narrative of the web and education. I am posting it here as a note to myself.…

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Humans vs. tech: Reflections on #et4online

Let me start with the ending. I left the Online Learning Consortium’s 8th Annual Emerging Technologies Symposium inspired. But I was also struck by a game at play that has been going on forever. It was tiring – exhausting really – to see this game played out again.…

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Unexpected Practices

it is seldom about technology designers’ a priori plans for a technology, and more about users’ unexpected practices with it. That, to me, is the most fascinating and useful basis of research inquiry.

via Brief statement on ‘Digital Wisdom’ | Ibrars space.…

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Face-to-Face Huddle, On Safari, Open Discussion @AncasterSrPS

Last week for two days, ASPS students and staff hosted E-Learning Contacts from Northern Ontario. Often referred to as eLCs, these are educators whose focus is to support Ontario students with digital learning opportunities.  As well, learning alongside with us were Education Officers from the Ministry of Education.…

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Technology Tools for Teaching Online

We have created a handout that highlights technology tools for teaching online. It is separated into category of technology, tool name, website, price, compatibility, and use.

Click here for a printer-friendly version.








You Tube

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Twitter chat Storify: What does it mean to lead, in a networked enterprise?

I published a Storify of the May 20 Twitter chat What does it mean to lead, in a networked enterprise? that includes discussion (and resources) focused on the following questions:

Q1: Imagine we are in a business/organization that truly embraces enterprise social networks as key to success.…

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ETMOOC – It has been a busy year

I am not sure how to start this but this is what I have been doing since the end of ETMOOC.  I was an ETMOOC dropout, toward the end I just was too busy to keep up.  So here is what I have been doing since ETMOOC.  …

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Let the dinosaurs die and the lurkers lurk. Insights on seeding adoption of enterprise social networks.

MSLOC 430 tweet chat

Learning & Organizational Change graduate students in the thick of a class sponsored Twitter chat.

On Thursday, Feb. 27, my class of graduate students from the Master of Science in Learning & Organizational Change program at Northwestern University organized a Twitter chat to explore the following: What tactics have proved effective in seeding the adoption of social collaboration technology, considering the variety of organizational and work contexts out there.

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