Where are the Comments? Learning Communities and #etmooc

I was going to tweet this after listening to the last 15 minutes of Dean for #etmooc on connected learning tonight. My mind has been spinning. Here’s my issue. Comments can break a great blogger and no I do not mean poor comments, I mean no comments, I have been teaching blogging for gosh, three years now and it is by far my biggest complaint or issue from students.…

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contributions and connections

We stared at each other over steaming mugs of tea, fresh brewed, tangy tangerine aroma filling the space between us. Vicky and I were sitting in a friend’s kitchen, ruminating about our respective interests and lives after Sunday brunch. I had turned the conversation toward my pet subject, connectivism, and attempted to explain how technology was revolutionizing the world of education.…

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Getting Organized

At the beginning of last week I said to myself – what is a MOOC? Today I’m through my first week of ETMOOC and so far it’s going very well. What is a MOOC? I’ll let this video explain:

The resources organized on the ETMOOC blog were very helpful, but most helpful was the second part to the previous video by Dave Cormier entitled Success in a MOOC.…

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The end of Week One – Wow.

It is Monday afternoon here in Guatemala City and outside my office our Elementary IT teacher is doing an excellent job of teaching a Grade 4 class about researching safely on the internet.  In my office, I am not quite that organized either on my desk or in my mind.  …

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And now for something a little different…

Over the last year, I have been doing some serious soul searching.  One thing I’ve learned is to try to find joy even in situations that cause me anxiety.  I’m doing my Masters in Education through the University of Victoria, two courses this semester, one which requires me to participate in ETMOOC and one which requires some really great reading.  …

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I Need Connected Learning- #ETMOOC

Ok, here it is a Sunday afternoon and as football looms on the TV, I have just spent 3+ hours looking over various #etmooc sessions run this week as well as looking over google plus for intro’s and new posts to see what’s going on and who likes what.…

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Observations on ETMOOC Week 1 – People, Processes and Stuff

For a few years now I have been following the annual Horizon Report.

The internationally recognized New Media Consortium (NMC) Horizon Report is a comprehensive research venture established in 2002 that identifies and describes emerging technologies likely to have a large impact over the coming five years in education around the globe.…

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Hooked on Twitter

How to find who to follow

I first started using Tweeter at conferences.  I’d follow the Hashtag for the conference and liked reading others’ Tweets on sessions.  I was a lurker for sure.  Eventually colleagues of mine started Tweeting. I followed them, but never signed into see what was happening. …

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I feel conflicted about wanting more followers….

January 18

I just watched the “Intro to Twitter” session for #etmooc.  I’m already using Twitter and I have a whopping 40-some followers.  And if I’m being honest, I’m ok with that, for now.  

I am definitely in the “lurker stage” of connectedness.  …

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