My first week etmoocing

I heard about the #etmooc on Sunday. I registered to it on Monday and created an introductory video and a etmooc dedicated blog. I started reading everything on the #etmooc blog and felt overwhelmed not knowing what I got myself into, and not fully understanding how a mooc works.…

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In the opening session of #etmooc, there was some discussion around why a PLN instead of LMS.  There were some interesting points brought up, such as each participant having their own space and their own control.  This graphic caught my attention though:


Clearly it is meant to show how PLN is superior to CMS in terms of learning network size. …

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Joining #etmooc to Connect and Learn

I finally took the plunge and joined #etmooc! I have been watching the course grow and evolve online for a few years now but I had never actually jumped in and signed up. I was always worried that I didn’t have the time (still a bit worried about that) but after successfully completing my first MOOC in 2012, I feel like it’s time to give this a try.…

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Sharing and Inspiring

Sue Waters’ Learning Through Blogging post got me thinking about the purpose of bloggging.  There has been some discussion going on around me about this, since three of my colleagues and I are participating in the #etmooc and blogging through EDCI515 with @_valeriei.  …

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Like Spokes on a Wheel

As the ETMOOC gets underway in earnest, many of the participants will be blogging about their learning, some for the very first time.  As participants draw connections between their ideas, these blog posts will rub up against one another, and like spokes centred on a common central idea, we’ll all be able to move forward together.
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Twitter #etmchat

Lots of ideas thrown out and discussed. Manic, crazy… and I loved every minute of it! It was a great turn-out.

It was interesting to see that some participants were having trouble with the pace, but were still willing to give it a try and offer their comments and opinions.…

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Twitter Archiving

I just finished attending the ETMOOC Twitter session and remembered that Twitter announced recently that you could request an archive of all your tweets.  Turns out this is quite easy to do.  On the web version of Twitter:

  1. Go to your settings (under the cog icon in the top right)
  2. Scroll down to the Your Twitter archive section.  
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Twitter – Educational Tool?

So I was hanging out tonight with other learners in the #etmooc. Tonights topic was Introduction to Twitter. This was also my first time using Blackboard Connect. This tool is awesome! Blows WIMBA away in a huge way. First, it did not crash my Chrom browser!…

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Twitter and blogging

Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t social networking and following blogs like being at a party or conference.  When you walk into a place where you know no one, how do you decide who to connect with?  Do you choose the person wearing your favourite colour?  …

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#etmooc intro

I’m just about to embark on another MOOC.   In etmooc I’ll be contributing to  conversations about:   social/participatory media, blended/online learning environments, digital literacies, open education, digital citizenship/identity, copyright/copyleft, and multimedia in education. Right up my street then!

The first task is toCreate an introductory post, video, podcast, slideshow, etc.,…

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