Connecting: Moving Forward

I have been so busy this week with things in my classroom and my teacher leadership class as part of my masters program that I haven’t had time to stop and smell the #etmooc until today.  So, while listening to George Couros talk about connecting to your administrators and using social media in a way that can change education and the way we all learn, I stopped and thought:  Who am I connected to and why?…

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How Do you Learn from Twitter Chats and WallWisher

Ok, I will be honest, having done two twitter chat sessions for etmooc, or should I say following them while they flew by. I was not a fan! Tweetdeck did help a lot. I was able to follow #etmchat as well as see those messages directed at me.…

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Responsible Use

Some people accuse me of being a pessimist. The fact is I am a journalist by training. I report the facts. Sometimes there are good facts sometimes there not. What I refuse to do is settle with the bad facts and go on acting is if there are good.…

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Responsible Use

Some people accuse me of being a pessimist. The fact is I am a journalist by training. I report the facts. Sometimes there are good facts sometimes there not. What I refuse to do is settle with the bad facts and go on acting is if there are good.…

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MOOCed into Learning via #etmooc

I’ve been MOOCed. And it’s not as if I could have avoided it. I knew, as soon as I began exploring the topic of massive online open courses (MOOCs) in November 2012 with colleagues on the New Media Consortium (NMC) Advisory Board for the 2013 Higher Education Edition of the Horizon Report, that it would only be a matter of time before I stepped into the vortex and was completely immersed in learning more about the topic.…

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Getting Beyond Lurking with #etmooc and Blackboard Collaborate Sessions

Newbie’s log–newbie date 31/01/2013…. 3:15pm CST retweets #ETMOOC invitation to Sue Waters’ session on student blogging 3:23pm CST gets help from Elizabeth (gentle nudging tweets) to get butt into Blackboard Collaborate session and start lurking 3:24pm CST gets more Twitter … Continue reading

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#etmooc questions posed…

I have been engaging with #etmooc mainly via Twitter, Google+ and Blackboard Collaborate of late. It’s difficult to attend to my blog as often as I envisioned when I started #etmooc earlier this month.
Reasons? I’m currently enrolled in three MOOCs – all running simultaneously – and it seems that the best way to engage with all three is via Twitter and Google+

This morning, whilst reading through the #etmooc blog, I found some great questions posed to participants – all of which gave me more food for thought.…

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#etmooc – Becoming a Networked Educational Leader

Today’s session was presented by George Couros. I missed the first part as I was out of the office but the live notes below are from what I did catch in the second half of the session.

For full disclosure, I do not work within a school or educational setting, so I find that it was more difficult for me to connect with the information.…

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Online identities – when social meets professional

I’ve been using Twitter and Facebook for years (but then again, apart from the odd friend who ‘Doesn’t own a TV’ or ‘Refuses to use Facebook’ – I’m assuming that this is the norm right?).

But after partaking in a number of educational conferences over the last couple of years (mainly ASCILITE – Australasian Society for Computers in Learning in Tertiary Education) I’ve starting making more and more contacts; both colleagues who have similar roles to me in their institutions or people who share the same love of bands and music.…

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Misadventures in Connected Learning … But That’s Not All!

Before this second week of #etmooc “Connected Learning” slips by, I wanted to write a post reflecting a bit on the prompt: ”Is it possible for our classrooms to support this kind of (connected) learning? If so, how?

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