My MOOC Experiece: Etmooc

This has been an amazing journey. And I really wanted to sit down to see what I have learned or contributed during my time with etmooc. Well, please excuse me as I will discuss applications as they relate to concepts.…

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Goodbye to Anonymous

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In an attempt to be a more open contributor, I changed my settings in 2013 to allow for anonymous comments. My thoughts were that anyone should be able to contribute or share if they find value in what I write.…

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Connections Rock! My Video on Real Connections

Thanks to Alan Levine’s search for true online connections(see here), I have created my first speaking video of me discussing my real connection with Jeff Utecht. I have made a great connection with Jeff and he has been in Thailand for for the last few years while I am in New Hampshire, USA.…

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Modern Learning,Today’s Students

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Modern Education is at the forefront of a lot of discussion’s as backed up by Will Richardson’s webcast for #etmooc.

He posted a board for collaboration where participants shared ideas on traditional versus modern education. Today we are a tech driven society.…

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Sharing and True Connections Online

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Well I just finished watching an amazing video from Alan Levine. He is looking for people to share “true stories” from connected experiences. Have you ever met that amazing blogger or shared a photo and where then asked to participate in something or speak somewhere?…

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A thought on MOOC’s and ETMOOC

Today I tried to catch up with google plus. With over 1200 in my email’s I figured it was about time to catch up. As usual there are 5 posts I have put in “read later”, thanks diigo, a few I commented on and one that took me on a journey I did not expect and I wanted to share:

I found the following post by..Alan…

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Do you moderate your comments?

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As my never ending endeavor to continue to be a contributor and producer in the #etmooc community and a better blogger in general, I am still spending time reviewing blogs and trying to leave thoughtful comments. I learn so much from watching comments and thread’s take off that I love being able to get feed’s and emails from blogs I have commented on previously.…

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New Tools/Applications I’ve Learned

I have found that I have become much more app centric when it has come to participating in the etmooc community. My rhizomatic learning has given me the following tools I wanted to share:

Google Plus – yes, I had it but I actually like I more than twitter.…

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Internet.. or is it digital Literacy – A great resource

Knight-Crane Convergence Lab - Flickr - Knight Foundation (2)By Knight Foundation (Knight-Crane Convergence Lab) [CC-BY-SA-2.0], via Wikimedia Commons

Today, I found a really cool website , we are on “digital literacy in #etmooc and I am a researcher by nature. I have found “Internet Literacy’s that I have to share: New Literacies of the Internet by

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