Can You Lend me a Hand? New Course Ideas Needed

Ok, I just received a request for more courses falling under the “Computer Education or Integration” realm in a masters program. We already have Networked Learning which covers:

  • Blogs and comments
  • Animoto
  • Webinars
  • Podcasts
  • Diggo
  • Digital Citizenship
  • All in 12 weeks.…

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    When is it a digital story?

    In a previous blog post, I wanted to know if storyboarding takes away from creativity. Feel free to read here if you missed it. I got varying responses but it has been on my mind. I have moved forward as does my digital story for #etmooc.…

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    When do we create, produce and share more?

    Today, I came upon a great post by Jeff Utecht. The post HERE is titled “What doesit mean to Disconnect”. Jeff hit some great points, the definition of being connected to technology is very broad and does depend on your perspective.…

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    Does Storyboarding Take Creativity Away?

    As I pondered the new assignments from #etmooc on Digital Storytelling, I found myself reflecting on the many ways and forms I myself have learned and taught digital storytelling. From Scratch to Animoto, Voicethread, Photostory, GoAnimate and anything really within the web 2.0 realm.…

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    Animated Gif’s are Fun!

    Well, I guess I need to increase my twitter followers. In asking a question about animated gif maker’s, not much response, but no worries, I found myself on a great journey. Don’t get me wrong, I love gimp and photoshop but I knew some application must have already been created to help me with this goal.…

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    Digital Storytelling Resources and Scratch Animation

    I’m so excited about our new section in the MOOC I have been a part of, #etmooc. As an educator that has worked at the middle school level, undergraduate and graduate level, there a few things I have found to be more empowering and exciting than introducing digital storytelling to audiences that have not experienced the pleasure before.…

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    How Do you Learn from Twitter Chats and WallWisher

    Ok, I will be honest, having done two twitter chat sessions for etmooc, or should I say following them while they flew by. I was not a fan! Tweetdeck did help a lot. I was able to follow #etmchat as well as see those messages directed at me.…

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    Rhizomatic Learning and Comments are How I Learn

    Had to add this picture, I love it!

    I left this as a comment on a blog today, but realized it makes a great post so here it is…. Ah, the power of comments is a lovely thing. Watching the exchange on the subject on rhizomatic lerning from Louwarnoud van der Duim’s Blog has helped me put rhizomatic learning in perspective.…

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    Who Controls What You Learn and Rhizomatic Learning

    Today, I sat down and tried to wrap my brain around Rhizomatic Learning w/ Dave Cormier which I watched last night in the etmooc archives. Ok, so let me get this straight.. “We, as in all of us, or those in a class or Mooc” decide what the learning goals are??…

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    The More you Share the More you Learn


    I recently commented on a post by Jeannine St. Amand on Connected Learning and What we share in the world and I feel the need to post my reply here and expand:

    We cannot just skim along, we need to go back, reread, check on comments.…

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