Situated Learning

[I wrote this review of situated learning, also known as situated cognition, in 2009 for the internal communications discussion board we use in the Carl Wieman Science Education Initiative. I go back to it often enough, mostly to find the reference for the amazing paper by James Paul Gee, that I’m reposting here.]…

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Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to San Diego I go!

I have really exciting news: In August, I’ll be leaving UBC and Vancouver to take up the position as Associate Director of the Center for Teaching Development at UC San Diego! The new Director, Beth Simon, has gotten everyone fired up about learning how to be better instructors.…

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Vodcasts: what are they good for?

 Vodcasts: What are they good for?

This project was for the second module of my MSc in Multimedia and Elearning: Introduction to Action Research.  It was a difficult module to get started on. In fact, I spent every weekend of the first two months intending to start work but just ending up with a very tidy house and garden!   

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Workshop on Effective Peer Instruction in Biology

I’m really excited to be running another peer instruction workshop with my colleague Cynthia Heiner. This time, we’re tailoring the content of the clicker questions to biology, thanks to the input (and organization) of our CWSEI colleague, Bridgette Clarkston (@funnyfishes on Twitter).…

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Self-enhancement and imposter syndrome: neither is good for your teaching

I read a terrific paper this week by Jennifer McCrickerd (Drake University) called, “Understanding and Reducing Faculty Reluctance to Improve Teaching.” In it, the author lists 6 reasons why some post-secondary (#highered) instructors are not interested in improving the way they teach:

  1. instructors’ self-identification as members of a discipline (sociologists, biologists, etc.)
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What’s your (first) line?

RMS Titanic (Wikimedia Commons)

A friend of mine is near the end of his Ph.D. He’s at the stage where he just wants to get the damn thing done. I asked if he’d written the opening line yet and he said no, he doesn’t care how it starts.…

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Individual differences? Using vodcasts as a blended learning strategy. An Action Research project

This is the outline plan for an Action Research project for #mscmmel.  I have posted it so that any critical friends can comment.  I need all the help I can get, believe me!



I work in a FE college in the UK, where I teach the Association of Accounting Technician (AAT) syllabus from Level 1 to 4.  …

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and the runners up were……

For my MSc in Multimedia and Elearning I had to produce a Design Project, but although I specifically wrote down my ideas for the project, I then went off on a tangent and decided that a Prezi might be better.  …

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Design Project Rationale

This design project has been designed for students studying Association of Accounting Technicians (AAT) Level 3.  The syllabus consists of six units, which are based on acquiring the knowledge and practical skills required by employers. The ability to use spread-sheets is a fundamental work skill for accountants, and the AAT have included the new unit ‘Using Spreadsheet Software’ at the request of employers who need employees to be IT literate.…

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