Alan Levine, #etmooc, and the cMOOC That Would Not Die

We can cut off its head, fill its mouth with garlic, and drive a stake through its body, but we apparently can’t kill a well-designed, engaging, dynamic learning experience and the community of learning it spawns. Nor would we want to.…

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#etmooc Twitter Chat archive – Reflecting on Personal Learning

The post #etmooc Twitter Chat archive – Reflecting on Personal Learning appeared first on Rhonda…

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ETMooc 2nd Year Anniversary

Tomorrow PostEtmooc is holding the 2nd anniversary #etmooc Twitter chat. Alec Couros will be hosting and I’ll be taking wing with Susan Spellman Cann, Erin Luong, Paul Signorelli, Karen Young and Christina Hendricks. I can’t think of a better group to co-host a Twitter chat with, or a better topic.…

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Is Twitter the Best Option for Online Professional Development?

@audreywatters :

Despite all the pushes to “bring Twitter to the classroom” and calls to have Twitter “replace traditional professional development,” I’m less and less convinced that’s a good idea — or at least, I’m more and more convinced that we should not rely solely on Twitter as the site for online PD or for online educator community.

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#TVSZ 4.0

Now I am big fan of #TVSZ, a zombie twitter game as you may or not know. I’ve written about it here and here. I’ve created movies (sadly more than one!) about zombies. So you can tell that I think #TVSZ is an wonderful learning experience.…

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Summer Reading and Discussion

Cognitive Surpluss
Now that summer is fast approaching (and since I’m long overdue for a blog post), I’ve been thinking about what sorts of professional development I’l be doing over the next few months. Last summer, I spent a lot of time at conferences, and while it was a fantastically productive period of time, this summer I’m looking forward to doing more reading and reflection on the past year of experimentation.
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2014: The Year of MOOC Click Bait

The University of Pennsylvania invited several hundred education reporters to a seminar on MOOCs. The school expected 15 to 20 enrollees from media outlets, but as of the catering deadline, only four responded. So the group cancelled the event.

This is the premise under which the Chronicle of Higher Education provided the click-bait headline “2014: The Year the Media Stopped Caring About MOOCs?”…

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