With a little bit of help from my friends

Last week I posted a curation workflow diagram which received a lot of positive comments from people inside the #etmooc community and outside:

gliffy linkedin

I was amazed and delighted by this response, and I think it is a good example of the power of connected learning.…

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Bloggers Block: a philosophical argument

This post is being filed in a new category of ‘Under Construction’.  I have set myself a target of writing one blog post a week and, as the week is nearly over, I am posting this one now.  I want to think about why I find it difficult to blog, and this is what I am trying to discuss here.  

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Personal Learning Neighbourhood

A few days ago, Ben Wilkoff posted From Network to Neighbourhood, a reflection on the cul-de-sacs of his personal/professional learning network. This morning I was walking when I received a message from Jabiz Raisdana who teaches on the other side of the planet.…

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Learn. Create. Talk. #etmooc post #2


So I’m being pushed. 

I’ve been MIA on Twitter and G+ last year and a half due to many reasons. I don’t need to go into what those are, but I had made my decision after much thought. As I mentioned in my #etmooc intro video, my daily learning life changed since I started joining Twitter and building my PLN.…

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kgitch on #etmooc week two


After a few days disconnected, (though keeping track of the “Bill of Rights” drama and reading #etmooc blogs), these are my reflections on this past week.

#etmooc Blackboard Cheers!

I am thrilled to see people learning to blog and use Twitter.  …

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Drink without drowning from the Twitter River

With some software, you can divide  the Twitter River into drinkable streams (Image: River Itchen Weir by neilalderney123 on flickr CC)

With some software, you can divide the Twitter River into drinkable streams
(Image: River Itchen Weir by neilalderney123 on flickr CC)

For the past few weeks, I’ve been participating in #etmooc, a massive open online course (MOOC) about educational technology and media.…

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Advanced Blogging

Image: ‘string of pearls’
Found on flickrcc.net

Had an amazing session with Sue Waters. This was the first session where I really felt I was “getting it” I was able to listen to Sue, communicate with others in the chat, I collected some great resources and learned a few new tips and tricks that will definitely help me be a better blogger, teacher, and member of the online education community.…

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Swimming in a Sea of Tweets With #etmooc #etmchat

Not ten minutes ago, I disengaged my fully immersed brain from the sea of #etmchat postings. It was my first Twitter chat. Ever. My eyes are bugging out of my head. I have tweet overload. I tried to prepare, really … Continue reading

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“Chance Favors the Connected Mind”

ID-100129789This afternoon I was listening in to one of the #ETMOOC collaborate sessions, tweeting interesting ideas when the moderator, Alec Couros put up a slide with this quote from Steven Berlin Johnson, “Chance Favors the Connected Mind.” Of course it struck me as both interesting and something I thought worthy of sharing so I tweeted it out.…

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How to Draw a PLN – An Exercise in Reflection

After the #etmooc Blackboard Collaborate session Tuesday night with Alec Couros on Connected Learning, I started to think more about my PLN and the prompts that were suggested. How would I define my PLN – in words, in imagery? Being a visual person, I wanted to represent it with a graphic, so I started to think about the best way(s) to do that.…

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