Lip dub: I’m havin’ a good time!

Educators looking to engage their students in a fun, educational activity should consider having their students create a collaborative lip dub video of a favourite song. For those unfamiliar with the process, Wikipedia states:

A lip dub is a type of video that combines lip synching and audio dubbing to make a music video.

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11 Free Tools to Boost Creativity in Online Assignments

If you’ve yet to explore new tools for your online courses, now’s a great time to start. We’ve peaked in on some neat tools in these categories: Storytellers and Image Editors, Open Software Suites, Video and Movie Makers, and Audio Editors.…

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Win an iPad Mini: Online Teaching and Learning Effective Practices Video Clips

Let’s share our excellent online teaching practices! This contest aims to gather effective practices for online teaching that enhance student learning in higher education. As an online instructor, you have developed a range of innovative and exciting online learning resources and techniques.…

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#ETMOOC – Tra new literacies, video e sondaggio

Rifletto su due questioni che # etmooc propone per la settimana in corso: a) new literacies b) sondaggio; incomincio da quest’ultima dato che qui il confronto è stato più coinvolgente.

Per sentire il polso degli # etmooc’ers è stato elaborato un sondaggio di metà percorso, allo scopo sono state formulate domande relative a

  1.  partecipazione,
  2. cosa più preziosa appresa,
  3. aspetto più impegnativo,
  4. suggerimenti per migliorare le performance dei “cospiratori”,
  5. occupazione primaria dell’ intervistato,
  6. partecipazione a xMooc / cMooc,
  7. contemporanea partecipazione ad altri Mooc,
  8. Paese,
  9. disponibilità per un’eventuale intervista futura o focus group.
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Sharing Your Voice & Digital Storytelling

Bella & Jules 

I’ve been teaching digital storytelling to middle schoolers for the past nine years, and the tools have been getting easier and easier to use.  I began by using Pinnacle Studio on a standalone desktop computer–not connected to our SLOW school network. …

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Learn everywhere #etmooc #ceetopen popcorn

We learn everywhere…

In #etmooc and #ceetopen, we encourage collaborative learning by challenging each other to try building artifacts that demonstrate understanding.

Our #ceetopen participants (and my PLN buddies Scott Boylen and Denise Krebs ) recorded very short videos of where we learn and uploaded them to a dropbox from which a single movie was created.…

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# etmooc – La lingua batte e sei gradi di separazione (2)

Dopo la narrazione con cui ho presentato me stessa ai corsisti di #etmooc, sollecitata a confrontarmi con le narrazioni digitali (digital storytelling), una domanda era diventata assillante “Cosa posso raccontare che valga la pena di essere raccontato?”

Individuati i contenuti emotivi per me coinvolgenti, ho compreso di aver trovato anche la risposta: la trasmissione settimanale dedicata alla lingua italiana da Radio3di cui ho parlato nel precedente articolo.…

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“Sharing Is Caring” – A story worth re-telling!

Although this tale has already been documented in my earlier posts, this powerful, inspirational story needs to be regularly shared with educators and their students.

Alan Levine (aka @cogdog) has challenged DS106 and ETMOOC participants to share “True Stories of Open Sharing … examples of times when there was an unexpected positive outcome after sharing something openly online.”…

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Best iPad apps for classroom video production.

Last week, I found out I was I getting an iPad for my class. This was quite a surprise because I had not asked for an iPad. Apparently, one of the other broadcast video teachers asked for a device to take to the Student Television Network Conference.…

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