An #ETMOOC Introduction

In one of my more successful MOOC outings, BonkOpen2012 with Indiana University’s Dr. Curt Bonk, I picked up the idea of the Eight Noun Introduction. I really liked it and proceeded to riff of of it a little, using Wordle to add some visual flair to the idea.…

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Introduction video

A big part of ETMOOC is “putting yourself out there” and for me that will mean trying new things.  So I got out my son’s little Sony camera and did one take of me in my favourite room. Then I fetched some of my favourite photos and started working with iMovie.…

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Hello #etMOOCers!

For some time now, I have known that there is a big hole in my knowledge about educational technology.  I have absolutely no experience in working with video.

I was thrilled to see that the first assignment for #etMOOC was to make a video.  …

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OK I have signed up….now what?????

I was very excited when I read about the ETMOOC and quickly signed up not really knowing what I was getting into but I thought the topics looked interesting and I love learning.  I also figured anything I learned would benefit the teachers I work with.…

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#ETMOOC – Introduzione, mi presento

Prendo in esame la prima assegnazione di #etmooc che prevede una presentazione di sé (luogo di provenienza, cosa si fa, cosa si persegue in etmooc).

Per ottemperare al compito ho scelto di creare un video, in sostituzione della presentazione che non sono riuscita a caricare su slideshare.…

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Greetings ETMOOCers!

As a self-proclaimed MOOC dropout (on multiple occasions), we will see how long I last in this one but I hope to give it a good “college try”.

You can find out all about me all over the web…usually as @ajwms.…

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#MIT, Itineario nell’automazione

Il secondo tema del progetto d’indagine, avviato con Quegli automi antenati,  è l’Automazione. Specifico che il progetto che nel tempo andrò a sviluppare, ha come riferimento il corso di Suchman, Lucy. 21A.850J The Anthropology of Cybercultures,Spring 2009. (Massachusetts Institute of Technology: MIT OpenCourseWare),

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Opportunità di apprendimento

Obiettivo di questo post è riferire sul recente viaggio che ho fatto a Roma, in treno, volendo far visita a mio figlio e alla mostra PAUL KLEE E L’ITALIA.

Come evitare di snaturare questo blog proponendo temi non conformi? Quale è la sfida che mi attende?…

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10 Ideas for Classroom Video Projects

“… ten years ago, not one student in a hundred, nay, one in a thousand, could have produced videos like this. It’s a whole new skill, a vital and important skill, and one utterly necessary not simply from the perspective of creating but also of comprehending video communication today.”

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