The professors who make the MOOCs [Kolowich]

The professors who make the MOOCs – from The Chronicle by Steve Kolowich


Like many professors at top-ranked institutions, Mr. Sedgewick was very skeptical about online education. But he was intrigued by the notion of bringing his small Princeton course on algorithms, which he had taught for five years, to a global audience.…

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The Professors’ Big Stage [Friedman]

The Professors’ Big Stage – op-ed from the New York Times by Thomas Friedman


I just spent the last two days at a great conference convened by M.I.T. and Harvard on “Online Learning and the Future of Residential Education” — a k a “How can colleges charge $50,000 a year if my kid can learn it all free from massive open online courses?”…

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Another example of the conversation moving away from traditional higher ed

From DSC:
While I think MOOCs have a ways to go, I continue to support them because they are forcing higher ed to innovate and experiment more.  But the conversation continues to move away from traditional higher ed, as the changes — especially the prices — aren’t changing fast enough.

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Game-changing reflections re: “College branding: The tipping point” [Dooley]

College branding: The tipping point — from by Roger Dooley


Change is coming to this market. While there are multiple issues of increasing importance to schools, two stand out as major game-changers.


From DSC:
Important notes for the boards throughout higher education to consider:

Your institution can’t increase tuition by one dime next year.

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The University’s Dilemna [by Tim Laseter, Strategy & Business]



From DSC:
With thanks going out to Ross Dawson for his recent tweet on this.

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