#etmooc Digital Story Telling Experiment: Animated GIF v. 2

Here’s a “prototype” gif for teaching students how to draw treble clefs, and learn the order of sharps and flats. Not perfect, but I think it has potential!

I know it is not a story per se, but I think it is a really interesting way to teach a concept like this!…

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Does Storyboarding Take Creativity Away?

As I pondered the new assignments from #etmooc on Digital Storytelling, I found myself reflecting on the many ways and forms I myself have learned and taught digital storytelling. From Scratch to Animoto, Voicethread, Photostory, GoAnimate and anything really within the web 2.0 realm.…

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Connectivity and Personal Learning Journeys

A while ago I signed up for #etmooc (http://etmooc.org/ ) to gain ideas to further my own teaching. I have recently been reading many entries on the etmooc hub (https://etmooc.org/hub/) around Personal Learning (PLNs PLEs etc) and thought I might take a few minutes to reflect on my own personal learning.…

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#etmooc Digital Story Telling Experiment: Animated GIF!

I haven’t ventured into creating my own content for an animated gif just yet (I’m still tossing around ideas), but I thought I’d try making a gif of an awesome video with music by the Zurich Chamber Orchestra.

I love this video because of how perfectly the staff syncs with the music and how the animators chose to highlight the drama of the music with the intensity of the rollercoaster.

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Breaking Digital Illiteracy

I am intrigued by the concept of digital literacy. Well, I guess it’s not a new concept – we just have easier access to tools for both creating and sharing. There’s really no excuse for not taking advantage of these tools, either… so why do I still consider myself digitally illiterate?…

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Animated Gif’s are Fun!

Well, I guess I need to increase my twitter followers. In asking a question about animated gif maker’s, not much response, but no worries, I found myself on a great journey. Don’t get me wrong, I love gimp and photoshop but I knew some application must have already been created to help me with this goal.…

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Five Card Flickr Story: Many Paths

All of these images reminded me of taking a journey, and all of the new and invigorating experiences that come with that.

 I think it would be interesting to create a specific classroom version of this game. Maybe have students select photos around a certain topic specific theme and compile them into a database and then have students write their own stories based on the pictures they get or choose pictures that best represent a piece of music.…

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Education Technology MOOC #etmooc

Jumping in a little late on this MOOC (massively online course)! I’ve attempted another in the past (a wonderful World Music in Coursera) and I’m currently taking a stab at a Philosophy course on Coursera (through the University of Edinburgh).

I’m thrilled to see what an MOOC that is directly related to my teaching will be like!…

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Writer’s Jam



It happened, writer’s block, or maybe I should call it writer’s jam because that might be a better description. Like this image, I have numerous connected learning logs trying to squeeze through into one coherent, flowing post but nothing is getting through.…

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“The Danger of the Single Story” About Digital Immigrants and Natives

EDC MOOC Week 1 Reading “Digital Immigrants, Digital Natives”: Prensky warns ‘immigrant’ teachers that they face irrelevance unless they figure out how to adapt their methods and approaches to new generations of learners. When reading this paper, try to identify the strategies that Prensky uses to make his argument – how does the language he uses work to persuade the reader?
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