The missing out syndrome – Post 1 #5Days5posts

Looking at my facebook updates, one might get the impression that it’s all smooth sailing and I enjoy every moment. Well, the truth is that there are times when I just want to run back to an office, turn on a screen or just go into a classroom full of difficult 17-year-olds.…

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#latchat Twitter Chat

I’ve had a great time participating in Twitter chats like “CAedchat“, with hashtag #caedchat, which happens Sunday evenings at 8pm PST and provides a forum for CA teachers to discuss current topics in education and pedagogy.  As far as I know, there exists no current live chat devoted to Latin and the ancient world, and so capitalizing on the popularity of Twitter chats like this one (cf.…

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Thank you ETMOOC, I Need To Connect

Wow, I miss you already. I am so surprised, I have been so upset that I have had no time to blog and stay connected with a new job in social media. I am doing what I love doing for myself for others and well.…

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Warning: Under Construction … for the next several years

What is #ETMOOC

Time has flown by once again and #etmooc is coming to an end. When I first started to read the posts and tweets about the course ending, I thought, “Wait, already!? No, not yet!” I couldn’t believe we had reached the last week, which meant it was time for closing thoughts and reflections.…

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Please leave the lights on…

ETMOOC success
According to the literature on collaboration, connectivism, community-building, and adult and transformational learning theories, and guided by the philosophy of Freire (1970), who stressed that learning is a social act and that dialogue is the heart of education, ETMOOC was successful because it provided participants a community built on trust, challenge, self-direction, relevance, and passion.…

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Twitter in the Classroom

Three years ago, I wrote my first post about Twitter.

If you are looking for a way to keep parents informed in bite-sized portions, Twitter may be a good solution for you as it can integrate nicely into a parent’s handheld lifestyle.…

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A Brief Blog Buzzing with Bits and Bites

In the etmooc (Educational Technology Media Open Online Course), I have learned how to use some interesting sites where you can curate and collaborate with information.  This has been incredibly eye-opening, useful, and liberating.  I began by lurking, dabbled by retweeting, blabbed with tweeting, flirted with reviewing, buzzed on my blog, and now – with these exciting new sites – aspire to curate.…

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Digital Literacy Defined?

Digital Literacies Peacock

Digital Literacies Peacock (Photo credit: *s@lly*)

What does it mean to be digitally literate? And who can actually answer that question today – teachers, administrators, researchers, students? I’m not sure I can do it justice. I think that’s one of my big takeaways from participating in the #etmooc Digital Literacy topic.…

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Passion + Genius = Endless Possibilities

Endless possibilities..
The title for this post comes from one of my students, who whispered it in my ear as she hugged me on the way out the door today.  I had a wonderful time introducing the idea of Genius Hour to my students.  …

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