New Tools/Applications I’ve Learned

I have found that I have become much more app centric when it has come to participating in the etmooc community. My rhizomatic learning has given me the following tools I wanted to share:

Google Plus – yes, I had it but I actually like I more than twitter.…

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#etmooc: A Midterm Review of Connectivity, Collaboration, and Learning

With massive open online courses (MOOCs) at the center of hype, overhype, and plenty of justifiable criticism, a midterm review of one—the highly interactive Educational Technology and Media MOOC (#etmooc, organized by University of Regina professor of educational technology and media Alec Couros and others)—shows what a well-designed and well-facilitated MOOC can offer to learners with the digital literacy skills required to benefit from them.…

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My first experiences with bring your own technology

My school district started a BYOT policy this year. At first everyone thought this meant that we were going to install Wifi and that everyone would have access immediately. Nothing could be further from the truth. Essentially, we just said that we are going to officially allow something that students have been doing for a while.…

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Learning to Storify

Another #etmooc task under my belt … my first storify. I decided to storify some of the tweets from the past week that demonstrate my PLN at work via twitter. I get so much from interacting with others on twitter – ideas, educational conversation and banter, feedback, affirmation and challenge, professional reading and even new shopping sites!

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Digital Storytelling: Embracing the Creative

I don’t think I like digital story telling.  There, I said it.

Yes, I have a story to tell. Yes, I can do this digitally.

No, I don’t wanna.

Maybe I’m just from another generation (I’m 51) and just like having the story in my head, after reading the words on a piece of paper.  …

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#etmooc Tweet Chat: Navigating Streams and Rivers

Fascinated by and immersed in Twitter backchannels and tweet chats, I’ve recently been assisting learners in the latest offering of our ALA Editions Social Media Basics course as they explore live chat sessions in a variety of social media platforms.

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8 Reasons Why an Instructor Should Use Facebook and Twitter in a Course

Guest post authored by Renee Mandelbaum, adjunct faculty member at Harry S. Truman College in Chicago   Once considered non-traditional, unconventional, and even trendy, social media has certainty infused itself into many different spaces in our institutions of higher education. Many colleges have developed sophisticated blogs to invite the next generation of college students to […]

The post 8 Reasons Why an Instructor Should Use Facebook and Twitter in a Course appeared first on Faculty eCommons.…

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Animated Gif’s are Fun!

Well, I guess I need to increase my twitter followers. In asking a question about animated gif maker’s, not much response, but no worries, I found myself on a great journey. Don’t get me wrong, I love gimp and photoshop but I knew some application must have already been created to help me with this goal.…

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