syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Productive Learning is a Process

As part of my learning to integrate technology into the literacy classroom, I’m considering the goals for myself and the students.  And as always asking many questions.  Using Will Richardson’s questions from his recent article in Educational Leadership as a springboard, I considered my own:

What do students need to know to be successful in the future?…

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The different faces of open education and my contributions

The Open Education movement has been considered inclusive by eliminating barriers that limit access to traditional education. Before the development of computers and the invention of the internet open education exists with the correspondence schools. Correspondence schools deliver courses to participants through mail. These participants have to read, study the courses and do the assignments that they have to send back to the schools for evaluation. Open…

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Learning About Digital Citizenship

Tonight’s #etmchat re: digital citizenship has brought about another learning curve for me.  So many great thoughts about teachers & students sharing online, and how it compares to citizenship in the real world.  There are a few concepts I’m still wrapping my mind around, and I’m sure that if I’m stewing over some ideas, there has to be a few people involved with #etmooc that are learning to digest and process these concepts as well.…

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The future of higher ed according to Richard DeMillo; some thoughts/perspectives worth reflecting on

Traditional institutions will close, number of colleges and universities will rise (audio and transcript) — from (where LLL stands for lifelong learning) by Richard DeMillo | Director of the Center for 21st Century Universities, Georgia Institute of Technology
Excerpt (emphasis DSC):
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Your Students Might Know How to Really Use Google

It’s true, despite the fact that Google is the most common search engine. Take a look at the infographic below that says most students don’t know how to perform a well-excuted Google search. This statistic is shocking, especially when 94% of students say they use Google and other search engines to conduct research.…

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The power of being able to pursue one’s passion. [Christian]

From DSC:
I appreciate Kevin Wheeler’s comment on Jay Cross’ posting entitled “A Solution to the College Crisis” (emphasis below from DSC)

In response to Jay Cross:

Higher education in the United States is broken. Costs are ouf of control.

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Conversations are Meta-data (and why you should care)

I am engaged by this idea that conversations could be considered metadata and could be used to drive instruction or differentiation. How would that work in your learning environment?

Reflective Practice Vlogging Community:

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Terms of Service not Terms of Endearment

I came away from the ETMOOC session Who Owns Your Education Data? (and Why Does it Matter?) hosted by Audrey Watters informed and realizing I need to sharpen this area of my digital literacy skills.

Being a principal I am constantly bombarded by standardized testing that aims to collect data. …

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs