syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Art in the Middle #etmooc

Oh how I love this video introduction by Susan Angel. Her gentle words spill over into the artwork floating behind her story. This is what our schools should be about: exploring who we are and where our talents are. What fortunate students to have a school that finds art an important part of the curriculum!…

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“The Danger of the Single Story” About Digital Immigrants and Natives

EDC MOOC Week 1 Reading “Digital Immigrants, Digital Natives”: Prensky warns ‘immigrant’ teachers that they face irrelevance unless they figure out how to adapt their methods and approaches to new generations of learners. When reading this paper, try to identify the strategies that Prensky uses to make his argument – how does the language he uses work to persuade the reader?
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Trying to be humble but seriously people..someone liked my post!

I have to admit that it is pretty cool when someone you don’t know appreciates your thoughts. Rhonda Jessen, a fellow etmmoc participant,  posted “Rhizomatic Learning–Thanks to my Weak Links” and referenced my “Like Bamboo” post. I don’t even know how I came across the post–something called a trackback/pingback. …

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Questions about Rhizomatic Learning from a Convert: Reflections on #ETMOOC Week 3.

Week 3 of ETMOOC is complete, and once again, I am thrilled to find myself with some answers — but equally as many questions.

I finally stole an hour to watch the archive of Dave Cormier’s session on Rhizomatic Learning.  In the Q and A following the session, Dave talked about how responses to this theory tend to cluster in two camps:  those who aren’t thrilled by it, and those who recognize their own beliefs and practice in it.

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I Made It into a Soon-to-Be-Viral Video!

The power of the #etmooc in joining together everyday strangers around the globe with a passion for learning gives me such an adrenaline rush! I have to admit it!

I began to get an inkling of this internal high as my PLN grew on Twitter over the years and random names and faces offered me ideas, resources, and insight.…

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A Web of #ETMOOC Connectedness

ragno_the_spider_with_a_simple_web_clip_art_20169#ETMOOC reflections on Rhizomatic Learning

Although I have to confess I haven’t had time to attend any #ETMOOC Webinars this week, my filters have enabled me to siphon off enough information to feel like I was actually present (thanks to recordings, blogs, Twitter, Google+, etc.).…

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Making of the #etmooc Lipdub

I’ve been busy with #etmooc, a MOOC focused on educational technology & media. We’re nearing the (official) end of our first topic, Connected Learning, and late last night, we published a crowdsourced, #etmooc lipdub project. I feel that the video accurately captures the energy and personalities of #etmooc participants, and the spirit of sharing and connecting that has dominated this experience.…

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Uncertainty of Abundance and Choice

It has been one of those wild and crazy weeks. Work has been stressful and now I am taking two courses, one on e-learning instructional design for credit and toward a certificate, and the etMOOC. I thought for sure that my blogging would take a hit this week, as I also need Crazy Week Cat Memeto plan a presentation on teachers using twitter in the classroom.…

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Things I learnt @ #BETT2013

This is a long post!   It’s really just an aide memoire for myself of my first visit to BETT2013, or indeed any Edtech event, so if you like you can skip right to the end for the quiz!

BETT09MSStand3I was recently given the opportunity to escape for a day to visit BETT2013 which is advertised as ’the learning technology event’ in the UK.

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Rhizomatic Learning

This week I participated in several Blackboard Collaborate Sessions for ETMOOC.  One of them was on rhizomatic learning led by David Cormier.  It was an interesting topic with a rich discussion.  As I listened to the conversation, I thought of my overgrown garden which is year by year being invaded by strawberry and mint plants, which are rhizome plants.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs