Best iPad apps for classroom video production.

Last week, I found out I was I getting an iPad for my class. This was quite a surprise because I had not asked for an iPad. Apparently, one of the other broadcast video teachers asked for a device to take to the Student Television Network Conference.…

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#etmooc. Piacevoli sorprese

Continuo a divertirmi e a stupirmi, imparando.

Vincendo timore e ritrosia sono intervenuta per la prima volta in Chat Tweet Twitter#etmooc per chiedere il motivo per cui su Diigo ci sono due gruppi #etmooc.

Ammetto di aver accolto con un pò di stupore l’elenco dei links presente nell’Introduction to Connected Learning, For #etmooc – January 21, 2013, ma ho dovuto constatare che la lista  è utile per l’immediatezza d’uso e, al contempo, rappresenta un vero e proprio forziere di risorse.…

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Making of the #etmooc Lipdub

I’ve been busy with #etmooc, a MOOC focused on educational technology & media. We’re nearing the (official) end of our first topic, Connected Learning, and late last night, we published a crowdsourced, #etmooc lipdub project. I feel that the video accurately captures the energy and personalities of #etmooc participants, and the spirit of sharing and connecting that has dominated this experience.…

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#etmooc. Esiti della seconda settimana

In questo post mi propongo di riflettere su cosa ho imparato e come ho imparato nel corso della seconda settimana di #etmooc, ritenendo che la condivisione possa costituire una risposta /commento. Mi auguro che sia interpretata come una conferma della validità delle proposte.…

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How To: Multiple Video Layers in Premiere Pro

I’ve had 3 snow days so far this week. That means I’ve had plenty of time to answer lots of emails, work on non mission-critical projects that have been piling up, have a bunch of fun with some media and digital storytelling, and catch up on some good old fashioned TV watching.…

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My Introduction

A few weeks ago, I signed up for ETMOOC – a Massive Online Open Course focusing on Educational Technology & Media. You can see all the individuals who are responsible for offering us this learning opportunity here.  This course is an opportunity to learn about the basics of Connected Learning, Digital Storytelling, Digital Literacy, The Open Movement, and Digital Citizenship.…

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….and may I present the first introductory assignment. Here are some random things to know about me in video format. I have also been a huge fan of making videos and have been amateurly (I think I just invented that word LOL) playing with video programming software on and off for the last few years.…

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Introduction #ETMOOC In My Classroom

In my classroom at the end of the day, I wondered what could I share about me?  Here’s the contribution: About Me #ETMOOC In the Classroom from Sheri Edwards on Vimeo.   What Else? This is a question we ask in my classroom.…

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