syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Using Music Videos to Tell Stories

There’s all kinds of ways to tell stories. The music video has always been one of my favorites. Having the singer act out the lines from a song or the band members performing in unique situations, adds some punch or excitement to the music.…

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#Lifeinthehood: Digital Storytelling Project #3 for #etmooc

I decided to create a collage of a Little Red Riding Hood themed photo shoot I did with my daughter.

All photos were edited in

I wanted the series of images to hint at the story, and at the end throw in a twist (she’s wearing the wolf as a coat- a reference to the Roald Dahl poem)

A few weeks later, in the wood,
I came across Miss Riding Hood.

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Let’s Find Out!

I recently read the following comment by Ms. Edwards on Denise Krebs’ post Connected Learning, Thanks to My Neighbors as Denise was contemplating self-determined or rhizomatic learning:

“I think you show part of self-determined learning when you say “I don’t know yet.”

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The TALONS Guitar

In its natural habitat

All the places we have been: TALONS Guitar Photoset on Flickr. There’s also some pics posted by others under the tag, TalonsGuitar.

Originally posted on the Introduction to Guitar blog, as a response to the Tell the Story of Your Guitar assignment.  

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“Sharing Is Caring” – A story worth re-telling!

Although this tale has already been documented in my earlier posts, this powerful, inspirational story needs to be regularly shared with educators and their students.

Alan Levine (aka @cogdog) has challenged DS106 and ETMOOC participants to share “True Stories of Open Sharing … examples of times when there was an unexpected positive outcome after sharing something openly online.”…

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Fearful horses

So I made these knife rests for a friend who lives in Kentucky. I haven’t sent them yet even though they have been completed since last summer. Why? Because of fear. What if she doesn’t like them? I rarely share my work and every time someone buys one of my pieces I am surprised.…

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A #SixWordStory About Real-Life Superheroes!

Okay, so I’m quickly discovering that this digital storytelling topic is going to be full of fun! I love to create, especially when it involves imagery and storytelling. Yesterday, I saw this tweet retweeted in my stream and thought it was the perfect inspiration for a new #sixwordstory.…

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Five Card Flickr Story: Many Paths

All of these images reminded me of taking a journey, and all of the new and invigorating experiences that come with that.

 I think it would be interesting to create a specific classroom version of this game. Maybe have students select photos around a certain topic specific theme and compile them into a database and then have students write their own stories based on the pictures they get or choose pictures that best represent a piece of music.…

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Could this be a new purpose/goal within K-12, higher ed, and the training departments out there? [Christian]

From DSC:
First, what prompted the questions and reflections that are listed below?  For that, I turn to some recent items that I ran across involving the use of robotics and whether that may or may not be affecting employment:


The work of Erik Brynjolfsson and Andrew McAfee; for example their book Race Against the Machine

Excerpt of description:

But digital innovation has also changed how the economic pie is distributed, and here the news is not good for the median worker.…

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Barbie and the Seven Deadly Sins-DS106

So I have posted Barbie enacting four of the seven deadly sins to the DS106 website. I want to thank Laura Gibbs for turning me onto DS106 (even prior to our current assignment). I had so much fun with this assignment, shopping at Value Village for the dolls, thinking of the various scenarios (lust was the easiest!)…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs