Using Technology to Build a Counselling Bridge Between Myself and My Students.


It hurts me to admit that Self- Injury is on the rise in our student population. For those of you who are unfamiliar with the term, Self- Injury is :

  1. Done to oneself and by oneself. If someone else does it to you, it’s not self-injury.
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Items re: multi-screen media — eventually this trend/convergence enables “Learning from the Living [Class] Room”

PayWizard launches first dedicated payment and subscriber management solution for TV and media industry — from PayWizard


London, 21 February 2013 – PayWizard, specialists in payment and subscription management, has launched the TV and media industry’s first dedicated, end to end payment and subscription solution.…

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The Past isn’t Past: MOOCs and Books

The Past isn’t Past: MOOCs and Books:

…and email isn’t dead yet either. Between avalanches, tsunamis, revolution, attacks of what Jonathon Rees at More or Less Bunk calls the Freid-bot (and others, just a tool), and garden variety disruptions, there’s been rather a lot of disaster rhetoric.…

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Authentic Learning at It’s Finest

I love this quote:

Tell me, and I forget;
Show me and I remember;
Let me do and I understand.
(Chinese Proverb)


This past weekend, 11 grade 12 physics students from my school, along with two of our science teachers flew out to Saskatoon SK, in order to conduct live research using Uof S’s Synchrotron, as a part of the CLS Light Source program.…

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Sharing: Unlocking the Key to My Filing Cabinet and Keeping it Open … HOPE

Susan Spellman Cann has started our Hope file. I am reblogging this to share with you… and also to use as a model for sharing. Stay tuned as I can see a potential future for my blog. As well, if you have any ideas that you want to share please drop me a line and let me know.…

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Today’s Students Need Authentic Experiences… Not Just Lectures

If we want to connect with our kids we need to really listen to what they are saying. I’m starting my blog tonight with a quirky, reflective vlog by a university age student:

I hear what he is saying…. but do the masses?…

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Expert panel brings clarity to MOOCs in Business+MOOCs Hangout

Expert panel brings clarity to MOOCs in Business+MOOCs Hangout — fron

The Business+MOOC Panel
Host: Jay Cross
Educators:  Dave Cormier, Stephen Downes, Terri Griffith and George Siemens
Business People: Jos Arets, Bert De Coutere, Lal Jones-Beyy (from Coursera) Mark Finnern,  Jerry Michalski


Also see:

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10 Response to “We Don’t Have Enough Resources to Make a Difference”

As a professor and consultant, I work with a variety of people who feel inhibited by limited resources. While the topic of inadequate resources is a real and important one, I’m not quite ready to accept that it is a big enough problem to hinder many good and important projects, ideas, tasks, initiatives or visions.  …

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