syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs

Big Data and Literacy

In my last post I wanted to try to pin-point some ideas that seemed important to me in reference to the discussion going on at ETMOOC and with Mozilla around digital literacy and web literacy. It has been really engaging with some great discussions
on these topics with people via ETMOOC, and through the Webmaker network, and
via Twitter as well.…

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Digital Literacy Redux

I can see now that my initial attempt at a definition of digital literacy was too narrow and that my academic librarian bias is all too evident in the narrow focus on “information”.  To remind myself to look beyond just one aspect of digital literacy I created this peacock to try to pull together and visualize Doug Belshaw’s elements of digital literacies combined with some of the concepts discussed in Howard Rheingold’s webinar on Literacies of Attention.…

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Digital Adventure Story-5 Slides-5 Artists-2 Stories #etmooc

We’re on our way to 5 adventure stories.

Enjoy our presentation (here’s how we started- Adventure Collaboration ).

Who are we? @gallit_z   @MsLHall   @lindapemik   @mrsdkrebs  @grammasheri

Imagine your own story as you flip through the slides 1-6. On slide seven (7), click one of the links to hear a story from these same slides, but rearranged for each author.…

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NJMEA Convention

This past weekend I attended the NJ Music Educators convention in East Brunswick, NJ. There were sessions on many different musical topics, more than I remember from past conventions, but I tried to focus my professional development on curriculum, assessment, and technology.…

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Course comparison: f2f vs #etmooc

I read a friend’s blog today in which she offered her concerns about MOOCs, and posed some pointed questions about the capacity of a massive course to be responsive to learners. I have only had experience with cMOOCs, and I’m an unabashed supporter and fan, so I want to respond.…

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MOOCs and humanities, revisited

In the last post I discussed how I have come to learn about the different kinds of MOOCs through my participation in etmooc. I also said that through learning about a new kind of MOOC, the cMOOC or “network-based” MOOC, I was reconsidering my earlier concerns with MOOCs.

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Notes from Teacher’s Convention: Engaging your Brain for Learning

I just got back from the 2013 Palliser District Teacher’s Convention in Calgary. I work for Alberta Education in Edmonton, but I am seconded there so I still have to attend my school district’s annual Teacher’s Convention in Calgary.

It was a great visit to Calgary.…

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syndicating 5358 posts from 517 #etmooc blogs