The Cuckoo always wins

So we have our xMOOC / cMOOC – tomato / tomato split forming. A schism over beard lengths and the best hat to please god will soon no doubt ensue. Sadly, and it is always sadly these days we can possible consider another way of distinguishing between the two groups.…

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How Dr. Sabita Persaud Uses Social Media to Enable Authentic, Relevant Learning

Faculty eCommons

The open platforms of social media connect students to field experts, increase student-to-student interaction, and for one instructor, faciliate real-life scenarios that weave course topics and conversations into student’s everyday lives, enabling authentic, anytime-anywhere learning.
Want ……

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Connecting Professionally

You may have noticed something new at the top right of this page.  I have added a link to my arsenal of connections with my professional world.  Yep!  I added a Facebook page! Now that I’ve done this, I have to update my Linkedin, Twitter and Youtube links to reflect this new way to connect […]

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Thank you ETMOOC, I Need To Connect

Wow, I miss you already. I am so surprised, I have been so upset that I have had no time to blog and stay connected with a new job in social media. I am doing what I love doing for myself for others and well.…

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Items re: multi-screen media — eventually this trend/convergence enables “Learning from the Living [Class] Room”

PayWizard launches first dedicated payment and subscriber management solution for TV and media industry — from PayWizard


London, 21 February 2013 – PayWizard, specialists in payment and subscription management, has launched the TV and media industry’s first dedicated, end to end payment and subscription solution.…

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A Brief Blog Buzzing with Bits and Bites

In the etmooc (Educational Technology Media Open Online Course), I have learned how to use some interesting sites where you can curate and collaborate with information.  This has been incredibly eye-opening, useful, and liberating.  I began by lurking, dabbled by retweeting, blabbed with tweeting, flirted with reviewing, buzzed on my blog, and now – with these exciting new sites – aspire to curate.…

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Goodbye to Anonymous

Image from

In an attempt to be a more open contributor, I changed my settings in 2013 to allow for anonymous comments. My thoughts were that anyone should be able to contribute or share if they find value in what I write.…

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MOOCs are Not the Enemy. Sorta.

So. I stood up in front of a whole room of academics and theorists and grad students with funky glasses this weekend and said the word “MOOC.” And nobody threw a single tomato, which surprised me.

My presentation for Theorizing the Web 13 at CUNY was entitled “MOOCs are Not the Enemy: Networked, Non-Imperialist MOOC models.”

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Purpose for Social Media and Vlogging

Slide Deck Overview:

Created with Haiku Deck, the free presentation app for iPad


Reflective Practice Vlogging Community:
Ben Wilkoff’s Youtube Channel:
Luke Cowdell’s Reflection:
Sheri Edwards’ Reflection:
Fellowship of the Ning:
#iPDX13 Notes:

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