Badges for Assessment – Why Not?

Ever since participating in a Blackboard Collaborate session with Doug Belshaw at ETMOOC 2013,  I’ve been wanting to learn more about badges as an authentic way for students to demonstrate and receive credit for their learning. With our province so heavily engaged in curriculum redesign, and with educators being called upon to consider new and innovative ways to plan, carry out and assess learning; I’m leaving no rock unturned in an effort to support them in their efforts.…

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My ETMooc Evaluation of Learning

For the last two months I have been fortunate to participate in ETMooc, an Educational Technology & Media, massive open online course. It is a cMooc, a connectivist Mooc, structured in a way that encouraged the development of a learning community.…

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Tellagami – Share a Short Story, Fact or PSA

Tellagami came across my radar again last week. And the timing was right. I had a few minutes to download the app on our iPod Touches and within a minute I had created an avatar that appeared to be standing in Abbot School computer lab, dealing with printing issues.…

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Continuing My Mission for Life Long Learning

This is the last week of #etmooc. I’ve noticed that many of you have jumped in with your last posts, so I figured that although this will not be my last post (I’m now addicted to blogging) I would try to put into words how life changing my #etmooc experience has been for me.…

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Adding YOU into Your Educational Story

Last week I did a blog around the fantastic experience my high school students had at U of S’s Synchrotron, as a part of the CLS Light Source program and how important they felt to be a part of that project.…

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Sharing Our QR Code Scavenger Hunt

A few months ago, I suggested the idea of using the Scan app on our iPod Touches in a post about QR Codes. In the spirit of sharing and being open, let me tell you what transpired with a QR Code Scavenger Hunt experience in a grade 5 classroom.…

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The MOOC Paradox – Expecting External Motivation to Produce Internal Motivation

Reading John Gatto’s pioneering work Dumbing Us Down, and took to musing on one of the paragraphs, this one from Dan Greenberg, founder of Sudbury Valley School, who wanted to look at what students need from modern education in a modern economic, social and political landscape:

Children must grow up in an environment that stresses self-motivation and self-assessment.  

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Break the Cycle of Measuring

tape measure alongside a baby

CC auiinsperation

Our society is big into measuring – the moment we’re born, the sports we play or watch, earnings, number of friends on Facebook, followers on Twitter, even stats on stats, and in education, learning.  Dave Cormier facilitated a lively dialogue during an #etmooc webinar, Rhizomatic Learning. …

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Reflections on “The new intelligence” by Kolowich

From DSC:

In real estate, one hear’s the mantra:
Location. Location. Location.

In higher education, I have it that we’ll be hearing this for a while:
Experimentation. Experimentation. Experimentation.

Consider the following reflections on Steve’ Kolowich’s solid article, The new intelligence (from…

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Why it’s time to say goodbye to report comments

Over the break I spent a lot of time catching up with family and friends, enjoying the festive season.  It seemed that everyone I caught up with had something to say about their child’s school report coming home without comments.

Due to the Australian Education Union’s latest stage of industrial action, many Victorian teachers chose at the end of last year to ban any written comments and numerical assessment data on student reports.…

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