The Story of Counselling- Version 1 Popcorn Maker

Over the next two weeks my goal is to share my story of counselling in as many different digital story formats as I can find the time to try. I am starting with my first attempt at a Popcorn Maker. Please feel free to provide any feedback on my post.…

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Reflections on “How NOT to design a MOOC: The disaster at Coursera and how to fix it.” [Morrison]

How NOT to design a MOOC: The disaster at Coursera and how to fix it — from by Debbie Morrison


Note: I’m also enrolled in Coursera’s E-learning and Digital Cultures, with University of Edinburgh, which is so far excellent. …

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Extremely powerful ideas for new types of face-to-face & web-based collaboration [Tidebreak; Christian]

From DSC:
As a team of us have been charged with putting together a new collaborative workspace/conference room, I’ve been thinking about some ideas for a new type of interface as well as some new types of Human Computer Interaction (HCI) to be used in group collaboration/web-based collaboration. 

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Reflections on “The new intelligence” by Kolowich

From DSC:

In real estate, one hear’s the mantra:
Location. Location. Location.

In higher education, I have it that we’ll be hearing this for a while:
Experimentation. Experimentation. Experimentation.

Consider the following reflections on Steve’ Kolowich’s solid article, The new intelligence (from…

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The University’s Dilemna [by Tim Laseter, Strategy & Business]



From DSC:
With thanks going out to Ross Dawson for his recent tweet on this.

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MOOCs for credit [Jaschik]

MOOCs for credit — from by Scott Jaschik


Two announcements this week suggest that MOOCs — massive open online courses — will increasingly include a route for students to receive academic credit.

Georgia State University announced Tuesday that it will start to review MOOCs for credit much like it reviews courses students have taken at other institutions, or exams they have taken to demonstrate competency in certain areas.…

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Personal Learning Communities for Me

Last night I experienced my first successful blackboard collaborate session. I logged in half an hour early just to tinker around, I was a bit nervous… but once Alec prompted me (using my first name what a powerful tool) I felt that I could try some things out.…

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