Picture Poetry – More #ETMOOC Digital Storytelling

After experimenting with the 5 Card Flickr Story this morning, I wanted to try another medium that would allow me to more easily integrate text and images. I was reminded of a free app I had downloaded quite a while ago but never fully explored: Visual Poet.…

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#etmooc as an Example of Connected—Rhizomatic—Learning

If you’re discovering that your personal learning network is expanding wonderfully and unpredictably in an almost viny, plant-like manner, you’re already engaged in what Dave Cormier calls rhizomatic learning—a process of learning that mirrors the spreading of rhizomes so there is no center, just a wonderfully ever-expanding network of learning connections rooted in creation, collaboration, and the building of communities of learning.

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Time flies…

I can’t believe that we have come to the end of the first session of #etmooc: Connected Learning.  This is a very short post to demonstrate some of the activity over the last fortnight.  For more reflective accounts and conversations, see Google+   Blogs  and Twitter (#etmooc)

I chickened out of collaborating on the libdub project, but I will definitely be stealing the idea for some future project of my own:


I did add my slide to this collaboratively constructed slide-deck, which demonstrates how easy it to collaborate on a Google presentation, even globally.…

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MOOCed into Learning via #etmooc

I’ve been MOOCed. And it’s not as if I could have avoided it. I knew, as soon as I began exploring the topic of massive online open courses (MOOCs) in November 2012 with colleagues on the New Media Consortium (NMC) Advisory Board for the 2013 Higher Education Edition of the Horizon Report, that it would only be a matter of time before I stepped into the vortex and was completely immersed in learning more about the topic.…

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Connected Learning and the Introverted MOOC-er

So I have been pondering my latest #ETMOOC blog challenge for almost 6 minutes now on Connected Learning.

If people are looking for ideas to write about, I’d like to take this opportunity to once again share the blog prompts that were mentioned in the Introduction to Connected Learning presentation.

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Carving out a piece of cloud #EDCMOOC

Ever since the course on Coursera officially started, the Google+ and Facebook groups have been hit by a tidal wave of new members. It’s more important now than ever to make decisions about my own focus and filters.

I would really like to find a cluster of like-minded souls in the #EDCMOOC cloud!…

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Misadventures in Connected Learning … But That’s Not All!

Before this second week of #etmooc “Connected Learning” slips by, I wanted to write a post reflecting a bit on the prompt: ”Is it possible for our classrooms to support this kind of (connected) learning? If so, how?

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Leveraging for Legacy


image: my student, Sam St. John

I’ve been really enjoying participating in #etmooc, and the last Blackboard session with Alec got me thinking of connectivism again. Each year I have my IB Theory of Knowledge students read “Knowing Knowledge” by George Siemens (2006)

KnowingKnowledge_LowRes (1)

Last year we had a lively socratic circle activity with a Twitter backchannel, but this year I decided to include the reading and obligatory reflection in their semester exam.…

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#ETMOOC: PopCorn Maker for Digital Stories

This week in ETMOOC we are talking about connecting as a way to network and learn from one another. One of the ways we connect is in our Google+ ETMOOC Community. Last night, while reviewing posts, I saw one from David Saunders, who created his introductory post using “PopCorn Maker.”

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How to Draw a PLN – An Exercise in Reflection

After the #etmooc Blackboard Collaborate session Tuesday night with Alec Couros on Connected Learning, I started to think more about my PLN and the prompts that were suggested. How would I define my PLN – in words, in imagery? Being a visual person, I wanted to represent it with a graphic, so I started to think about the best way(s) to do that.…

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