A #SixWordStory About Real-Life Superheroes!

Okay, so I’m quickly discovering that this digital storytelling topic is going to be full of fun! I love to create, especially when it involves imagery and storytelling. Yesterday, I saw this tweet retweeted in my stream and thought it was the perfect inspiration for a new #sixwordstory.…

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A look back on Connecting

ABC Learning

I have been running a bit late and slow the past few days and have not written as much as I would have liked.  On the other hand I have been thinking and reading a considerable amount.  I don’t want to make this a long post on what I have learned as that would take forever (possibly) but I thought I would just mention a few things that I accomplished and have learned on ETMOOC though I often feel like the teddy bear back at the very beginning.

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What Qualifies Best Teachers?

One of my pet peeves in the MOOC hype is the discussion of best teachers.  Whether it’s Thomas Friedman, Bill Gates, Sal Khan, or the fringes of the political spectrum (left and right), rhetoric regarding xMOOCs explicitly states that the structure will allow many people to take class offerings from the best teachers in the world.  …

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Promoting & Sharing Your Classroom Blog

You’ve set up a classroom blog. It has an eye-catching theme, and you’ve included tons of pages to help the students and parents know the expectations of the classroom. You even write a post updating the latest happenings. Maybe, you have your students writing posts, too.…

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#etmooc tweetstory

Tweetstory is a story that fits in a tweet (less than 120 signs).
A tweetstory is something like a six word story, with more words.

Een tweetverhaal is een verhaal dat past in een tweet (minder dan 120 tekens). Het is een vervolg op het zeswoordenverhaal.

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Writer’s Jam



It happened, writer’s block, or maybe I should call it writer’s jam because that might be a better description. Like this image, I have numerous connected learning logs trying to squeeze through into one coherent, flowing post but nothing is getting through.…

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The Disruptor Disrupted: The First Explicit xMOOC Failure

The cancellation “temporary suspension” of Coursera’s Fundamentals of Online Education course is a watershed moment in the rapidly growing world of MOOCs.  Inside Higher Ed has summarized the problems which befell the course and led to suspension, and a number of course participants have documented their experiences, displeasure and ideas for potential fixes (Debbie Morrison’s experience, chronicled on her blog Online Learning Insights, was the first on the scene, and subsequent artifacts continue to arrive, such as the #foemooc Twitter feed).  …

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#etmooc as an Example of Connected—Rhizomatic—Learning

If you’re discovering that your personal learning network is expanding wonderfully and unpredictably in an almost viny, plant-like manner, you’re already engaged in what Dave Cormier calls rhizomatic learning—a process of learning that mirrors the spreading of rhizomes so there is no center, just a wonderfully ever-expanding network of learning connections rooted in creation, collaboration, and the building of communities of learning.

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Time flies…

I can’t believe that we have come to the end of the first session of #etmooc: Connected Learning.  This is a very short post to demonstrate some of the activity over the last fortnight.  For more reflective accounts and conversations, see Google+   Blogs  and Twitter (#etmooc)

I chickened out of collaborating on the libdub project, but I will definitely be stealing the idea for some future project of my own:


I did add my slide to this collaboratively constructed slide-deck, which demonstrates how easy it to collaborate on a Google presentation, even globally.…

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Things I learnt @ #BETT2013

This is a long post!   It’s really just an aide memoire for myself of my first visit to BETT2013, or indeed any Edtech event, so if you like you can skip right to the end for the quiz!

BETT09MSStand3I was recently given the opportunity to escape for a day to visit BETT2013 which is advertised as ’the learning technology event’ in the UK.

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